Dr. Lynch

Orthopedic Surgeon

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  • Knee AnatomyKnee Anatomy

    The knee is a complex joint made up of different structures including bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles. They all work together to maintain normal function and provide stability to the knee during movement.

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  • ACL TearsACL Tears

    An ACL injury is a sports-related injury that occurs when the knee is forcefully twisted or hyperextended. An ACL tear usually occurs with an abrupt directional change with the foot fixed on the ground or when the deceleration force crosses the knee.

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  • Multiligament Knee InjuryMultiligament Knee Injury

    The knee is a complex joint of the body which is vital for movement. The four major ligaments of the knee are anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligament, medial collateral ligament and lateral collateral ligament.

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  • Meniscal InjuriesMeniscal Injuries

    The knee is one of the most complex and largest joint in the body, and is more susceptible to injury. Meniscal tears are one among the common injuries to the knee joint. It can occur at any age, but are more common in athletes playing contact sports.

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  • Knee InjuryKnee Injury

    Pain, swelling and stiffness are the common symptoms of any damage or injury to the knee. If care is not taken during the initial phases of injury, it may lead to joint damage that may end up destroying your knee.

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  • Knee ArthritisKnee Arthritis

    Arthritis is a general term covering numerous conditions where the joint surface or cartilage wears out.

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  • Knee FractureKnee Fracture

    A fracture is a condition in which there is a break in the continuity of the bone. In younger individuals, these fractures are caused from high energy injuries, as from a motor vehicle accident. In older people, the most common cause is weak and fragile bone.

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  • Multiligament InstabilityMultiligament Instability

    The four major ligaments of the knee are anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligament, medial collateral ligament and lateral collateral ligament.

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